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Marriage Ministry

Loving My Marriage Ministry for Couples

The main focus of this marriage ministry is to provide a faith based support system for couples that are married, engaged and seriously dating.   One of our main goals is to minimize marriage alternatives such as divorce, cohabitation, and separation through biblically based teaching, mentoring, couple’s counseling and coaching.

Below are resources for couples who are married or are engaged to be married.

Classes for Married Couples
Marriage training course designed to reconcile, heal, and strengthen marriages. Provides instruction and direct experiences of Biblical principles of marriage. Taught in an interactive and confidential, support group setting. To register:

Couples Date Nights
Fun outings for married couples that encourage them to nourish and cultivate their marriage while "keeping the flames of love lit"

Before You Say I Do Premarital Classes

A thirteen week premarital course to help enlighten and equip engaged couples with practical principles and tools to create a lasting union in marriage. Provides an opportunity for engaged couples to gain greater insight into their expectations, needs, and God given roles; as well as discover areas of harmony and uncover potential areas of discord. Classes are open to the community, and are required for partners wishing to be married by Pastor Trimble.

Premarital Counseling

Required for partners of GCFI who wish to be married by Pastor Trimble. Engaged couples take a personal inventory and then go through two or more counseling sessions to discuss the results and resolve any concerns relating to becoming "one flesh."

Pastor Alton &
Judith D. Trimble



2 Corinthians 8:7 - As you excel in everything--in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in all diligence, and in your love for us--see that you excel in the grace of giving also.




225 West Torrance Blvd. Suite D. Carson, California 90745
(310) 538-9185
